Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Lazy Hazy Days

Today is one of those lazy, hazy days of summer. 
Taken by our front wall.
No matter how hot it is in August, the crepe myrtles seem to always flourish.

Summer breeze makes me feel fine.
Take a listen to this oldie but goodie!


  1. Our summer breeze has very high humidity today, so it makes me feel sweaty, not fine. ; )love the song.
    Last week I heard the local campus bell tower played the old Nat King Cole song, "Those Lazy Hazy Crazy Days of Summer".

  2. Great music choice today. It is 105 here right now. Ugh!!

  3. 1972... now those were the good old days...I learned a few things from the blurbs on that clip. Your yard looks very happy this summer!
