Saturday, July 6, 2013

Saturday Snapshots

Clumsy me, dropped my 5 year old camera on the 4th.  
It's broken. 
Today's snapshots were taken with my iPhone.
Several tomatoes waiting to be picked.
View from the door.
This is true!
Hummer Feeder
Hibiscus Blooms
Left over chocolate cake waiting to be eaten.  

Hubby took this snapshot with his phone yesterday.
View from our garage.  

Happy Saturday everyone!


  1. Looking good and the iPhone does a good job. Perhaps there is a good camera repair shop there in Tulsa. I had my old camera repaired and am so glad that I did. It makes a great back-up.

  2. Your yard, flowers and home are beautiful, but I am so very sorry to hear about your camera. These are great photos for a cell phone :)
    Thanks for sharing and have a lovely weekend,
    Connie :)

  3. Hi Carol! Well, your phone did a great job on the snaps. Everything looks so pretty at your house and I hope you're having a nice weekend.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  4. Your smart phone takes great pictures. The hibiscus tree is at peak performance, very pretty....Summertime and the living is easy.

  5. Everything looks amazing! Your hibiscus is beautiful. I have the strangest moments where I forget that I live in Texas now...not Oklahoma. Seeing how green your yard is gave me a moment of confusion. I know y'all have had rain but we haven't.
