Friday, July 5, 2013

4th Of July 2013

 Low temperatures & humidity made for a perfect day to celebrate. 
Emma & Ethan had fun riding in the wagon for the subdivision parade.
Thank you Jan Henry for snapping this photo!
Papaw & his pride & joys.
And now, a trip down memory lane.
Ethan's 1st parade in 2009.  4 months old.
Emma's 1st parade, 4 months old, 2011.
Ethan & Uncle Sam, 2011.
2012 with Uncle Sam.
Happy 4th of July, 2013!


  1. Your pride and joys are the sparkle in your sparklers. The Uncle Sam photos are priceless, great memory makers.

  2. Carol, they are adorable! They do grow up so fast. laurie

  3. So adorable! Loved the memory lane photos.

  4. Gosh they do grow so fast! How did you get so blessed with cooler temps and low humidity? That has got to be rare!
