Saturday, February 9, 2013

Sweet Saturday

We shared (I had a couple of bites.) a cinnamon roll at Savoy Restaurant this morning.
A barbershop quartet serenaded us with a few tunes to celebrate Valentine's Day.
Hope you're having a sweet time today!

I'm going to be partying with Laurie on Monday.
Hope you'll stop by to be a part of the fun!


  1. That looks like fun! We haven't been out for breakfast in a long time. So sweet to have the barber shop quartet serenading. :)

  2. I'll have to see what that's all about. One thing is sure...I'll be here. I'm getting a kick out of the guy trying to get away from your camera or the quartet. Ha!

  3. Looks like fun. I am with Vee the dude sitting by the quartet looks like he is trying to shrink away. ; )
