Friday, February 8, 2013

Heart Jars

Happy Friday everyone!
The day is starting out cloudy, but the sun will come out later.
I lit some tea lights in the heart jars I made last year.
The chocolate heart candle from 
I'm thinking about my friends on the east coast this morning as they prepare for the winter storm, Nemo.
When did they start naming winter storms? 
Be safe, warm & cozy.
Praying for you all.


  1. Your heart jars are cute. They are sure to warm a cold heart. ; )

  2. Just so cute, Carol. Really cheerful and inspiring!

    Love the mantel in your header.


  3. Oh things are looking LOVEly at your place. I am trying to imagine how wonderful that candle smells. Does it make you want to bake something?
