Thursday, January 24, 2013

Shh, Don't Tell Ree

Don't tell Ree that my attempt to make her
'Perfect Pie Crust'  was an epic fail.
Here is the picture from her blog showing her rolling out the dough.
Lovely isn't it?  Well, my dough was crumbly & a mess after I tried to roll it out.
It was so bad I didn't even take a picture.
I have made the crust for her 'Flat Apple Pie' & it was fairly successful.
Click on picture to see the 'Flat Apple Pie'
 post from last year.

Oh, I forgot to tell you I only had 1 cup of shortening & the recipe calls for 1 1/2 cups.
I added a 1/2 cup of cubed, cold butter hoping that would work.
I ended up smashing the pieces of dough into the pie plate.  
After adding the apples I laid the dough pieces on top.
The finished pie, not too bad.
Hubby ate a big piece after dinner last night.
He said it was very good.
I have to take him at his word because I can't eat any.
I'm trying to get my blood sugar numbers under control.
I'm surprised by my willpower.

I'm linking with . . .

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Seasonal Sunday Teapot copy
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  1. Wow. You are self controlled. That looks amazing. I used to be the pie crust expert at our house when I was growing up. However, I found that truly tender crusts were a pain to make. They often crumbled easily and tore when trying to get them into the pie pan. The results were worth it, though.

  2. Most of the time, "ugly food" is better and most remembered. :-)

  3. You get an 'E' for effort and an 'A' plus for willpower.

  4. Oh I love a crust made with butter...I am sure that the flavor was heavenly. You should have made yourself a wee pie with Splenda. I do admire your self-control!

  5. Looks good to me!! I use butter in my pie crust! Blessings,

  6. Carol, What willpower! If I couldn't eat it, I'm sure I'd never bake it. I bet it did taste wonderful. Wish I'd been there. I would have been glad to eat your piece for you! laurie

  7. Looks yummy to me, I just need a small chunk of cheddar to go with!

  8. It still looks tasty, Carol! I'm impressed at your willpower and I bet it tasted great with the butter.

    I have a way worse fail. We had guests coming to dinner and I made a cake that stuck to the pan. We tried to salvage it with icing and create cake pops, but it just became more disastrous! Fortunately the kids were thrilled to receive a pile of crumbled cake and icing for dessert. The adults just stuck with wine or coffee!

    Thanks for sharing at A Humble Creation

  9. I don't know whether I could make a pie crust any more. To tell you the truth, I find Pillsbury to be almost as good and a whole lot easier.
