Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Pie Day

Are you going to celebrate National Pie Day by baking a pie?
Or, maybe you'll buy a pie or enjoy a big slice at your favorite cafe or restaurant.
What's your favorite pie?
Cream or fruit?
I like it all, but my #1 favorite is . . . 
pecan pie.

I want to make Hubby an apple pie today.
Hope I have the time  energy to bake.

Okay, what is your favorite?

Check out my Pie & Cobbler Pinterest board.


  1. My favorite pie is Mom's cream pie. I have tried to duplicate it with her exact recipe but it never could equal hers.

  2. Now that pie looks wonderful...I do love a pecan pie. Mercifully, I gave away the bag of pecans or I might have to whip one up. I am making pie today, though. A jello something or other that is diet.

  3. thank you for the reminder- of course I want to celebrate Pie Day.
    Hopefully I can bake while grand daughter takes her afternoon nap.

    I am thinking chocolate sounds good.
    Husband would like cherry but those frozen tart cherries are hard to find in this town,

    hope you get your pie baked too.

  4. I absolutely adore pecan pie, Carol. I'll wait for Paul to get home this weekend. ;)

  5. I love all pies, pecan, pumpkin, lemon, chocolate, coconut, cherry, I could go on and on. ~smile~ I would rather have pie any day over cake! I wanted to bake one today, but because of this cold virus, I just am not up to it. Thanks for sharing.

  6. I love pies! My favorite would be homemade apple with crumb topping...all homemade.
    Should have made a pie today but didn't. My hubby loves loves loves pie!

  7. Yum, I would like a piece of pie:) Have a blessed evening, HUGS!

  8. Hi Carol, I could go for a piece of this right now:) Happy weekend to you.
