Saturday, December 29, 2012

Dinner & Surprises

Last night the kids took us out to dinner to celebrate our anniversary.
Afterwards they came over to give us two surprise gifts made by Kari.
This timeline canvas has important dates in our family history.
So special.  Kari did a wonderful job!  
It will hang in our bedroom.

She also made a photo album to go along with the timeline canvas.
What a treasure!
Thank you Bobby & Kari for treating us to dinner & giving us the gifts that will become family heirlooms.


  1. What a thoughtful gift! Fun to see the pictures that accompany some of those dates today and recently.

  2. Very thoughtful gifts. Surprises are fun, enjoy!

  3. Truly a treasure, such a thoughtful gift. Thanks for sharing.

  4. How sweet! I love the dates all together on one piece of art.

  5. Carol, thank you for the comment on my blog! What a wonderful gift! I love it! What a unique gift for you and your husband.

    I got tickled at your picture of your wedding. Looked about like mine...only almost 42 years ago now. Things were much simpler for sure. Wedding cake, punch and mints and you were good to go! Never remember going to a wedding with FOOD like they do today!

    Have a blessed New Year!

  6. You're very welcome. I'm blessed to have not only wonderful parents, but wonderful In-Laws as well!!! Love you guys!
