Friday, December 28, 2012

"D" Day

Tomorrow is "D" day. 
This morning before Hubby went to work he asked,
 "Do you want to take down Christmas tomorrow?'.
I immediately agreed. 
So, tomorrow is deconstruction day.
This is the part of Christmas I do not enjoy.
The house looks so bare without the Christmas bling.
I used to get really depressed when Christmas was over.
Now, I enjoy the challenge of decorating for the new year.
A few days ago I noticed another section of lights went out on the grandkids' tree.
The lights went out a few weeks ago.  Hubby worked on it but could never get it fixed.
Should we fix these trees before we pack them away?
  Naw, I don't think so.  LOL
I won't put this sign away.
Maybe it will bring a little snow our way.
Some of my Facebook friends have posted this morning that it's snowing in their part of Oklahoma.
Have a mentioned I love snow?
Check out my Pinterest board, "I Love Snow".


  1. Hope your "un"-blinging goes smoothly.

  2. Plugging my ears and moving swiftly along... ☺

    Oh we purchased that little thingymajig that fixes lights. Works like a charm. Well worth it.

    Have fun doing whatever you're doing...

  3. Carol, I know what you're talking about. The house almost looks depressing when I take down the Christmas decorations. I'm afraid this year, it may be summer before I find out how depressing the house looks, because I'm moving soooo slowly at getting the decorations put away! Your trees look pretty (even with some lights out). I agree, deal with the light problem next year. laurie

  4. I need to take the tree down but I think I will wait until after New Years. I always hate to see it go.
