Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Night Sky

Day 28 of Thanksgiving . . . 
I am thankful for the beauty of the moon & stars in the night sky.
I woke up around 4:30 this morning.  I noticed a friend had posted a picture of the full moon on Facebook.
Then, I noticed moon light streaming in the window in our entry.
I snapped a few pictures.  My little camera couldn't capture what my eyes were seeing.
Full moon over T-Town . . . 
This song came to mind . . . 
I hope you'll take a few minute to listen.
It gives me goosebumps every time I hear it!
 The Majesty and Glory 


  1. Thank you for that beautiful song.I just read that tonight is some kind of special full moon.

  2. That was a beautiful song...what a great group of singers.

    It must've been cloudy last night for I saw no full moon.

  3. We noticed the full moon last night on our walk and this morning at 5 am it was streaming moon beams into our kitchen.
