Thursday, November 29, 2012

Afternoon Naps & Trisha's Recipes

Day 29 of Thanksgiving . . . 
I'm thankful for retirement . . . 
One of the things I like about being retired is I can stay up as late as I want, or go to bed early.  If I want, I can take an afternoon nap any time I choose.  A luxury for sure!  I love being retired!
I have been enjoying watching Trisha Yearwood's Food Network show.
I made two of her recipes for Thanksgiving dinner.

The dishes were delicious!  I will be making them again for other occasions.
Click on links above to find recipes & info on Trisha's show.

I'm linking with . . .

The Shabby Nest


  1. I've been enjoying your 30 days of thankfulness. It's reminded me how much I have to be grateful for, big and small. And yea for nap time! xo

  2. Just got up....already wanting a nap. ; )

  3. I made the asparagus bundles for Thanksgiving too! They were tasty!

  4. Carol,

    Oh, I will have to check these out. Thanks!

    My husband just retired and we are already laughing that we don't have to go to bed early.

    Hugs, Barb

  5. Guess what we had for family dinner last night? :-) Can we say Asparagus Bundles went well here!!!!!!!!!!
    Thanks for sharing.

  6. When does this show come on? I heard it being advertised but have not seen it yet. Her food looks awesome, especially the asparagus and bacon. Yum!

    Love your banner! Those treasures look so good tucked into a corner!

    Smiles from Idaho,

  7. Carol, I am soooo jealous! I have wanted to retire for-evah, but can't seem to manage it. I'll be checking into your receipe referral. I love anything with strawberries. laurie

  8. Hi Carol! I've caught her cooking show a couple of times and really like it. The dishes sound so good.
    Love your cute header filled with Santies! :)
    Thanks for popping in to see me and be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  9. The links aren't working today for me, I missed this yesterday. That strawberry salad looks yummy. And the bacon looks yummy. ☺ Does that give it away how I feel about asparagus? I once had an asparagus patch that I cut out of existence by allowing it to go to seed and using the fronds in flower arrangements. My grandfather would just shake his head.

  10. I enjoy watching Trisha, too, right after The Pioneer Woman:)

  11. I didn't realize she had a cooking show. I'll have to check that out. Looks delicious! Thank you for joining HSH!
