Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Thankful For Freedom

Day 6 of Thanksgiving . . . 
I'm thankful for the freedom to vote . . .
We're proudly fly Old Glory on this voting day . . .
Hubby & I stood in line an hour & ten minutes to cast our vote.
Well worth every minute!


  1. Amen!! What a great privilege! I'm casting my vote this evening. Hope our line isn't as long as yours was!

  2. I was lucky when I voted last week...absolutely no line! That was a first.

  3. You're so right, Carol! We're praying our vote makes a difference in this election! Good for you. We voted early and they didn't give us a little voter sticker! :(
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  4. Wow! That was quite a length of time. Voting was brisk, and there was a line, but we zipped right along through it and were all finished in 20 minutes or so. What a privilege to be able to vote. I got a sticker and John didn't get a sticker and he went back for one. He's proud of that little
    "I voted today."

  5. A freedom that far too many people take for granted. Great thankful post, Carol. laurie
