Thursday, November 1, 2012

"Boo"tiful Evening

The weather was perfect for enjoying an evening of trick or treating.  Our neighbors hosted a Halloween Bash.  Hubby & I enjoyed eating delicious chili & hot dogs.  We met some very nice people & visited with our neighbors.
Our neighbor, Katie & her cute dog who was a skunk.
Katie was dressed in a chef coat.  
Our hostess, Kim & neighbor, Deborah.
Thanks for inviting us Kim & Ian!  We had a great time!  Wish we could have stayed longer.

We hurried home to see our grandkids before they went to Kari's parents' house.
Meet Wolverine, aka, Ethan!
Princess Emma!
Kari & Bobby took the kids around our block for a little trick or treating.

We turned out the porch lights at 8:30 . . .
we almost ran out of candy.
I think we had more trick or treaters than last year.
I would say that Halloween 2012 was a howling success!


  1. So cute! Sounds like fun times with your neighbors!

  2. Ethan looks like he means business. His one eye peaking out is cute. Emma makes a pretty pretty princess. They both are 2 treats for sure.

  3. Very cute grands...and, of course, you've always known that Emma was a princess. I had Madagascar characters here last night. What fun to host a neighborhood party. Great idea and a cool way to meet the neighbors.
