Friday, November 2, 2012

And So It Begins

The holiday season began yesterday with the countdown to Thanksgiving only 3 weeks away.
Yesterday, I noticed that several Facebook friends were posting things they were thankful for.
Since I'm starting a day late I will name 2 things I'm thankful for.
I'm so thankful for my family.
A loving husband, son, daughter-in-law, and adorable grandkids.

I'm thankful for the beauty of God's creations.
I have not seen one single monarch butterfly this fall season until yesterday afternoon.
I wonder if their migration is delayed this year, it usually happens in mid October. 


  1. Those are all precious things to be thankful for! Your blog is always so cozy and uplifting!

  2. Our that thought. I have missed out on the gratitude for every day of November this year. The blogger who did it for so long isn't doing it this year. I think I'll take a break this year, too, and enjoy yours instead.

  3. Such wonderful blessings in your life, and all things to be thankful for.

    Have a blessed weekend.


  4. Happy November, I started posting, last year, a gratitude list for Nov. I haven't seen it on FB but love doing becomes such a way of life. Love your list. Blessings on your weekend.
    Hugs, Noreen

  5. Those are so great! Truly a thankful heart is a happy heart :)
