Friday, August 10, 2012

Smile, It's Friday

Things that make me smile today . . .

Cooler weather, high of 93!

Ethan is feeling better!
 He had a nasty bug that started Wednesday evening.

I'm so impressed with the outpouring of help for the people who lost their homes in the fire that swept through Creek County last weekend.  Dozens of children in the Mannford school district are without homes.  School starts next Thursday. Folks are providing backpacks filled with school supplies so they can begin school on a positive note.

I hope today is the start of a great weekend for you all!
Thanks a bunch for stopping by!


  1. Sounds like there is a lot to smile about. So sad about the fires, but wonderful that people come together in troubled times to lend a hand. Have a fantastic weekend!

  2. Hi Carol. I'm smiling with you! So glad folks are stepping up to help and that's a lot to smile about.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  3. Glad Ethan is feeling better. Wonderful to hear of the community helping those in need. Keep on smilin'.

  4. The Bennie is making your skillet apple pie today.
    Happy Birthday to Bob and they are two very handsome men.
    Just hope this school year will be about making the children feel special. And so glad Ethan is feeling better.

  5. You're right! All good things to smile about and 'woohoo' about!

    Happy (belated) birthday to your husband!
    Hope it was a great birthday for him!!

    Happy weekend!


  6. I like hearing good news. Have a great weekend.

  7. My faith in humanity is so often restored after a tragedy such as this. Many people do get involved.
