Saturday, August 11, 2012

Friday Fun

I mentioned yesterday that Ethan had been sick.
The kids have been staying with us since Saturday night because their air conditioning was broken.
It was fixed Wednesday & they were going to go home, but Ethan became sick with fever so they decided to stay another night because he was so sick. I have to tell you I was very concerned about his condition.   They ended up staying Thursday as well because he was experiencing all sorts of virus symptoms. Needless to say we did many loads of laundry.
Anyway, he was feeling so much better on Friday we spent a little time in the fresh air.
fun with the water squirter
Emma wearing my hat
chalk art on the driveway

It was quite a week!


  1. Glad to see all is well and happy now at your house.
    We did the pie and it is so good.

  2. Nice to have a big shade to play in. Everybody looks happy and having fun.

  3. So sorry to hear that Ethan was sick but I am glad his is better!

  4. Your baby girl is so cute. They are all having a good play day.
