Friday, July 20, 2012

Refreshing Rain

We were blessed with  much needed rain last night.
The temperature dropped to 79 in just a matter of minutes.
So refreshing!
We'll be hot again today with a high of 107.
I added this sign to my door basket yesterday.
Good old summer time . . .
The extreme heat is good for my Boston ferns.
Hubby gives them a good drink every morning.
This poor impatiens plant is not holding up in the heat.
 It looked like this on June 28th.

Thanks for stopping by today!
Stay cool!


  1. It's about to get toasty here too. In fact, I was out running errands at 11:30 this morning and it was already above 100. Time to hunker down and look at Fall pictures on Pinterest. :)

  2. I'm glad you got some rain. I have family in Arkansas and they, too, are in a drought---and very hot! Love your door sign and your fern looks great. I will go back to ferns next year!

  3. Yay for rain. Every drop helps.

  4. We are having some relief from the heat here...not being used to quite so high temps. The rain came two days in a row and we are quite soggy. A nice change...I like your door decoration...very pretty!

  5. Oh my, 107? I thought Louisiana was hot. Glad you got some rain. A summer rain is so nice.

