Thursday, July 19, 2012

Basement Art

I've always wished we lived in a house with a basement.
It would be a great storage area, storm shelter & fun place for the grandkids to play.
Here in NE Oklahoma homes with basements are very rare.
I think the main reason is the rocky soil.
When we built our pool at our last house it was amazing the huge shelf rocks that were removed before construction began. 
Okay, I don't have a basement, but my sister, Susan, does.
This is Susan & Mike's house that I featured on a post in April.
A few weeks ago, Susan sent me pictures of her basement art.
This fun corner features a free handed painting of a car traveling down the highway & two fun chair hammocks.
Here's her description of the painting.
"Here is some of my art work.  One is a huge sunshine the other I was going for a faux paint by number-"esque" look.  I didn't put much effort it it just started painting.  The car in suppose to be a sutto MINI it looks more like the Munster Family car.  At least it gives it a feel of fun."
Let the sunshine in!
This is what she said about creating this wall.
"I used a long board to pencil the sun rays, and a pencil with string to get the circle for the sun.  The faux paint by number picture was free hand.  The sun took more hours than the other project.  It's the cheap way to finish a basement.  $30,000 for finished basement vs. $30 for paint."

What a fun place to play ping pong & hang out!

Goodness it's hot!
103 yesterday!
Extreme heat warning until Sunday night.
Hope you've been having a good week so far!


  1. I still need to paint the steel posts bright colors so they will be a caution not to bump into them while diving for the ping pong ball. Mike and I have enjoyed ping-pong through the years. We are evenly matched in the game. Although he is reigning champ at the moment.; )

  2. How fun! That's a great way to decorate that basement area. We never had a basement in Oklahoma either. Sure would be nice though.

  3. That is awesome! Most people around here do not have basements either. The water table is too high. When I was a kid in the winter my dad would dig a couple of feet down and hit water but the soil was so great that we weren't in a swamp. I guess it drained quickly and the water table dropped to 15 feet in the summer.

  4. So cool, Your sister is one talented lady. Thanks for sharing and thanks for following. I am following back.
    Have a great weekend. Ginger:)

  5. What a neat idea, Carol. I just had to enlarge to see it, Your sister did a fantastic job, and i too would love to of had a basement. Thanks for sharing.
    Enjoy your weekend.
