Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Hometown Visit Part 2

After we left the anniversary party at the church we decided to drive around town to see the places that were  a part of my life during my growing up years.  Our son also enjoys remembering the fun times we shared here together.
Visiting my hometown is always bittersweet.  My parents passed away 24 & 14 years ago.
This is the home my family lived in from the time I was in 5th grade until my Mother passed away 14 years ago.  
My parents owned a shoe store here in this building until my mother closed it in 1995.
It is now a book/antique store.
When we stopped to take this picture we noticed it was open.
I haven't been inside since 1995.
When I walked inside I heard the familiar sound of the bell that rings when the door is opened.
 I didn't see anyone.
I heard music.I 
I called out with, "Hello?"
No response.
I walked over to the left of the store & saw a friendly lady sitting on a stool putting book on a shelf.
 I told her who I was & that my parents had owned the shoe store that was here at one time,
She remembered my parents & buying shoes for her family.
She was so friendly & agreed to let me take pictures.
This aisle is where the men's shoes were.
As I explored with Bobby, Kari & Ethan I got emotional for a while crying a few tears remembering what this store looked like when my parents ran their business for over 25 years.
The children's shoe corner.
Lots Buster Brown Shoes were on these shelves.
Can you believe how many books there are?
Everything was very organized.
Bobby found some of our family signatures that were on the ends of some shelves.
Fuzzy picture of my sister, Susan's, name.
attic stairs
Bobby was willing to brave the heat & take these picture of the attic area.
That is the original tin ceiling.
My parents used the attic for storage of seasonal decorations & store fixtures.
The old bank safe.  At some point in time this building was a bank.
Mother & Daddy used it for store record storage.
Occasionally it was a tornado shelter.
inside the vault
The work bench.

Where women's shoes were kept leading to the office.
This was the office.
The break room.
Ethan had as much fun as his Daddy exploring & checking everything out.
Setting in the display window where his Great Grandpa worked so hard to arrange the latest shoe styles.
Standing in the window area.
We spent about 45 minutes looking around while Hubby stayed in the car with Emma, who was sleeping.
Thanks Linda for taking our picture & letting us snoop around your book store.
Also, thank you for giving Ethan the little stuffed dog.

I want to go back in the fall when the weather is cooler & do a little shopping.
I saw lots of books & antiques that I'm interested in.

Before we left town we stopped by the lot where my high school stood.
It was a beautiful building, I wish it was still standing.

Things end, but memories last forever.

I'm linking with . . .


  1. Great tour of the old shoe store building. So many books! Seeing down those aisles with the shelves took me to a memory of Dad teaching me what a "lazy man's load" was, when I would help gather shoes for sale time. A "lazy man's load" is when you have too much to carry that you spill your load.

  2. What great pictures. I enjoyed seeing them. Looks like a store I would love to visit. So many memoris for you. Glad you were able to re visit.

  3. What a nice glimpse into your life. Thanks for the tour. I really enjoyed reading that. It makes it that much more special that the woman in the bookstore was so welcoming. And even giving you a little stuffed animal. So sweet. Bitter sweet. So emotional.

  4. Oh Carol..
    how nice to be able to go back in the building that you spent so much time in!
    Memory lane.. it's a bittersweet road sometimes :)

    Hope today is a good one.


  5. Carol.... awe... thank you so much for sharing your hometown trip with us all... It brought back my own memories of my hometown, home and family business.
    Thank you so much for joining us in Thursdays Favorite Things Blog Hop! With His grace, wishing you peace and many blessings to you and yours… Carla

  6. what a wonderful tour. Thank you for your bloggy friendship and for sharing at the Thursday Favorite Things hop xo P.S is the house in your header your home? It is lovely!
