Monday, July 30, 2012

Hometown Visit Part 1

We visited my hometown Saturday afternoon.
Click on picture for information on Cushing, OK.

My Uncle Earl & Aunt Norma were being honored for their 60th wedding anniversary.
They're still going strong.
Uncle Earl works 20 to 30 hours a week & mows his lawn & the neighbor's.
Their actually wedding day is August 1st.

We enjoyed visiting with cousins, their kids & grandkids.
This was the first time Ethan & Emma had meet my aunt & uncle.
Uncle Earl & Bob
Issac & his Grandma, Gina
Tony & his girlfriend
Kim & Terry
Kortni & Nana, Kelly

I didn't get everyone's picture because I was so busy talking, HA!
It was so much fun seeing everybody again.

Tomorrow I'll show you part two of our hometown visit.

Happy 7th Anniversary to Bobby & Kari!


  1. Glad you had a good visit with everyone.

  2. Carol, what a great looking family. Looks like a fun time, and a lot of memories being made. I'm not sure if that header has been on your blog and I haven't noticed it before, but I LOVE it! I just wanted to go walk through that garden and into that little cottage. laurie

  3. It is always fun to go home and for me hard to leave. Thanks for visiting my blog this morning.
