Thursday, May 3, 2012

Nana's Brag Book

I'm sharing some snapshots I took of the grandkids on Sunday.
They had a ton of fun playing with the 25 cent garage sale tractor.
It's loud & has a bright headlight.

I'm still working on the guest room closet.

BTW . . .
Sis Sue & Marina, you were right,
the geranium on the right is pink.
It was supposed to be red.
Note to self . . .
don't buy a geranium that isn't blooming!


  1. Double the blessings and double the fun. Two cuties.

  2. You've got every right to brag!
    Your grands are darling :)

    Oh.. red one... pink one.

    Guess you'll be setting a new trend:)

  3. Your grandchildren are adorable, Carol,so nice to see children actually playing with toys instead of video games. How blessed that you have them nearby, and that you are creating such wonderful memories, thanks for sharing.
