Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Spring Cleaning In The Office

Today is day 6 of spring cleaning in our home office.
Purging drawers, closet & files.
These pictures were taken this morning.
After you see them you'll probably think I haven't been working very hard.
Trust me, I have been working!
Sorted sacks & stacks.
Sacks for the trash & shredding company.
The desk drawers are completely finished.
The filing cabinet is almost purged.
When I was going through my teacher file I found my 1st 
teacher's contract from 1974-75 school year.
$6.700, $558.33 a month.
The office closet is almost finished.

Little by little this massive spring cleaning project is moving along nicely.
Maybe I'll be finished by Easter! 
Fingers crossed . . . 


  1. Give your self a pat on the back. What a feeling of accomplishment. You deserve a gold star. Seeing your office has inspired me to find my mojo and git 'er done in my neck of the woods. : )

  2. I still have my first teacher's contract as well. How did we live on such meager earnings?

  3. Wow! You are the *neatest* Spring cleaner I have ever seen! Very organized!! btw, always enjoy your music when I visit here. :)

  4. must be something in the air , I've been cleaning, purging, throwing out , organizing room by room too LOL!

  5. That first contract is a hoot! You are kickin' butt in that office:)

  6. WOW!!!!! I need to do the same. Natalie has been on a decluttering spree in their great room, her bedroom, play room and today they are headed for the zoo. Hope it does not rain on them. Keep up the good work.

  7. It looks like you have lots of unwanted stuff in your office home! Good thing you thought of cleaning your space. Now, there is more space in your office! It definitely looks more pleasing to eyes. I know that it’s much easier to work in here. I hope that you have maintained its cleanliness though!

    -Tyler Perkins
