Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Rain, Rain & More Rain

The rain started yesterday morning & has not stopped.
We desperately need rain, but not all at once.

 Not long after the rain started it seemed as if the trees leafed out instantly.
I love hearing the rain on the roof & the sound of the gutters.

In the mean time, my spring cleaning continues.
Today marks the 5th day of purging & organizing the upstairs office.
Come back tomorrow to see the progress.


  1. We have a gray day today but if we get any rain it will just be brief showers. Maybe your rain will reach us this weekend.
    Have fun with your project. I've been throwing away trash bags filled with financial sales materials that I no longer need since I quit that company. It is freeing.

  2. That rain will be here soon. We now have the beautiful color green every where.

  3. Love your cheery background, Carol. Spring and cleaning just go together, I guess. It's good to get it all done before the dog days of summer.
