Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Thoughts Of Spring

Yesterday I noticed some tulips coming up 
under our budding front yard tree.
I immediately got excited thinking green
 thoughts about spring.
Thoughts about . . .
daylight savings time starting on March 11th
St. Patrick's Day, March 17th
  first day of spring, March 20th
and Easter, April 8th.
I definitely have spring fever.

Since I'm thinking green I've started getting a lot of ideas for sprucing up the decor for the new season.
Of course I'm seeing lots of inspiration on Pinterest.

great chalkboard idea 

Make your own robin's eggs for spring or Easter decor
robin eggs

Gerber daisies
Gerber daises 

decoupage eggs~
decoupage eggs 

Spring banner
spring banner

I gathered up a few items from around the house that I want to use in my 'Spring Bling' decor.

I won't start major decorating for spring until
 after March 3rd.
We're having a birthday party here that day for the grandkids & the theme is Sesame Street.
It should be a lot of fun.

Do you have spring fever?

Linking with . . .
Wow Us Wednesdays


  1. I have Spring fever too. We have landscaping still to do, so I will be diving into that soon. You will have to find a S.S. shirt for PaPaw to wear at the party.

  2. After seeing all these great decorating ideas - I definitely have spring fever! Of course I love the bird theme. I have bird houses on top of my kitchen cupboards. I hope you are doing well too! Think Spring!

  3. Oh yes.. I too have Spring fever!
    Just after we got a dose of winter snow too :)

    Love the Spring green that you've collected.

    Have a great time at the party !

  4. Once March arrives, I begin thinking spring (tho in reality it is a long way off here in the northeast). In the meantime, I'll have to live it through some of my blogger friends who live in warmer climes.

  5. You got me in the mood for spring fever and after my in-house duties, I took my Kindle out and enjoyed reading, watching birds, and "napping" off and on in my swing. I have learned to swing and read at the same time. Have a great day Carol.
