Monday, February 20, 2012

Green Monster Review

A few weeks ago I showed you a smoothie that I wanted to try on my Feb. 3rd post.

Green Monster Spinach Smoothie
I decided to give it a try yesterday for lunch.
I used blueberry Greek yogurt & 2 % milk.

I was pleasantly surprised!
It was so filling & satisfying.
I could not drink it all!
I give this healthy concoction a thumbs up!

Try it . . . you may like it too!

I'm linking with . . .
Table Top Tuesday


  1. It would be perfect for St. Patty's day. Not sure this Patty wants to be that daring. Glad you enjoyed it.

  2. I think it sound Delicious! I have a juicer, and I love mixing lots of greens like mixed baby green lettuces including spinach. I add carrots for sweetness, and after I pour it, I garnish it with a celery stick which adds that last needed flavor that cuts the sweetness. Delish!! :)

  3. Did u use a whole bag of spinach? Will have to try it

  4. I have a friend that made a healthy drink made of avacado and pear juice. Your drink sounds a little bit better. Think I'll stick to OJ and mango.

  5. I'm not surprised. I have have heard nothing but good things about the green monster. However, I have still not been moved to try it:))
