Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Remembering The Big One

This time last year we were experiencing a blizzard.
It started on Jan. 31 and when it finished on Feb. 1 we had a record snowfall.

view from our front door that day

the morning after

Our town was literally paralyzed for several days.
Everybody stayed home.
We made some great memories because the kids stayed with us.

playing in the 'fort'

sledding in the sunshine

This winter we have been enjoying beautiful, warm days and nights.
At 6:00 AM yesterday morning it was 59!
High temperature during the day was 70!

We have a lot of winter days ahead of us.
We'll see if this great weather continues.


  1. What wonderful and fun photographs, thanks for sharing! I do love it when it snows, beautiful scenery! Happy you have had a mild winter, so far!! Thanks for dropping in to see me!


  2. I remember the snow. Natalie was so excited. Brian and Michele took her sledding and she was so happy. She is unhappy that we have not had snow yet this year. Me? I have been enjoying sitting out in my swing reading and soaking up the wonderful sunshine.
    Love your posts Carol.

  3. Fun to see how much Ethan has grown in a year. Tomorrow the ground hog will be confussed and might predict 6 more weeks of spring. ; )

  4. As long as we are safe and warm, big storms can be special times (if they don't last too long)!

  5. Things in my flower garden are coming up. Would not be suprised if old man winter came back with a vengeance.

  6. I well remember that snow storm, and we too are having beautiful weather this week and just heard our weatherman predict a warm February, and we shall see! lol Love the snow pictures.!
    Enjoy your week,
