Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Dining Room Light . . .

 Our dining room isn't used very often, but I still like to enjoy the view of that space.
The morning & afternoon light is nice.

afternoon . . .

morning . . .

Last night I lit the candles and turned on the lights.

table centerpiece


side table & my little rocker

I think it's time to start eating in the dining room more often instead of waiting for special occasions and company.


  1. Your dining room is lovely and I know exactly what you mean!

  2. Oh Carol!

    A girl after my own heart...just love the hens on the table! I have a little rocker like yours in my living room...it has a teddy bear instead of a bunny picture on it. I think I would love to stop by your cozy place for a cup of tea!

    Sweet blessings,

  3. I love the light ~ and I spied a milk glass pedestal cake stand (:

  4. Oooo, it's all so pretty! I have a square milk glass cake stand very similar to yours.
    Be a sweetie,
    shelia ;)

  5. It sounds like a good idea to eat in the dining room more often. No special occasion needed to have fine dining. Play music and use cloth napkins too. Enjoy!

  6. Lighting candles makes a home so cozy in the evening. I just love that pillow with your name and the bow. I have been thinking about putting up a red-checked valance. But I need off white, not white wi Those th the red. I'm still looking! The roosters look so comfy there on you table (or were they chickens---need to go back and look;)

  7. My typing gets messed up on my laptop---sorry.

  8. It is a very cozy, cheery room. I must clear my dining room table so we can eat there again. I love the look of a beautiful table rather than my current catch-all.

  9. Your dining room is so pretty. I love the centerpiece.

  10. Beautiful room and all of the lights are so lovely. Thanks tons for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  11. Hi Carol! Thanks so much for coming by my place and saying hi!:) I have missed talking with you!!
    Oh how I love your dining room- you have inspired me to look around and change some things. I've been in that mood lately.

    I'll be catching up with your blog and seeing what you've been up to lately.:)


  12. Lovely light.

    What is it about morning or evening sunlight, and glowing candles in the winter ?
    Those things just seem so much more charming and warm :)

  13. Hi Carol, you have a lovely home. It's so cozy! I'm here from Kristen's party and I'm so glad to have found your blog. I'm going to follow from now on! Hope you can pop over for a visit sometime!
