Friday, January 13, 2012

Friday Show and Tell . . .

I have several recipes that are written in my Mother's handwriting.

It gives me a warm feeling when I see these cards.
They bring back sweet memories of the delicious things my Mother prepared for her family.

I thought this recipe was for egg custard in cups, but after reading it I saw it is was for a pie.

Mother's Egg Custard

2 eggs
1 cup milk
1/2 cup sugar
2 tbsp flour

Separate egg yolks.  Beat these add 1/2 cup of the milk.  In Measuring cup add the flour to the sugar.  Mix these & to the mixture add the other 1/2 cup milk.  Combine the 2 mixtures & stir.  Add Vanilla if desired.
Pour this into a pie shell which has been places on the stove burner, on low heat, for about 1 minute or just long enough to blister but not to brown.  Cook at 350 until firm.  Beat egg whites with 4 tbsp sugar added.  Spread the egg whites on the custard & brown.  (3 eggs may be used to make a thicker pie)

Here are four of her custard cups.

Here's a recipe I found on Pinterest 

    Old Fashioned Custard     

• 4 large eggs
• 1/3 cup sugar
• 1/2 teaspoon sea salt
• 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
• 3 cups of whole milk, scalded
• Freshly grated nutmeg
1.  Preheat the oven to 375˚F.
2.  Beat the eggs slightly.  Add the sugar, salt and vanilla; whisking constantly, slowly add the scalded milk.
3.  Strain the mixture into the custard cups (I needed 7 cups);  grate nutmeg over each custard, and place in a pan containing hot water.  The water should cover the cups up to the level of the custard.
4.  Bake for about 30 to 35 minutes, or until a knife inserted into the center of the custard comes out clean.

Mother's recipe is for less eggs & milk.  Also the milk is not scalded. 
I'm going to use her recipe add 1 more egg, scald the milk & omit the flour.


  1. I have a few recipe cards that look just like your old ones. They bring back precious memories. Good luck with the custard. I like your cross stitch so much!!

  2. Mmmm I love custard! That is so great that you have recipe cards from your mom. I have a cookbook that my mom used all the time and I get such a wonderful feeling when I look through its well worn pages and read her favorite recipes:)

  3. Yes, that is me making the snow angel this morning. Carol, I challenge you to make one IF you get enough snow. I have a feeling you are safe, tho! :))

  4. I have some things with my mom's handwriting is a letter my mom sent me where she drew some pictures of new ways to tie a scarf...I have that one framed...I miss her so much...

  5. Custard is my ultimate nostalgia-inducig comfort food! I love your header... wish I was gazing at that out the window while eating a bowl of warm custard. :-)

  6. Uh oh! I thought I was over it (:
    I had my mother's Betty Crocker cookbook stuffed with her notes and recipe cards, and it was accidently tossed by my hubby when we were moving. Ah well...

  7. I absolutely love, love custard pie. One of my favs. I, too, have recipe cards in my mother's handwriting. I cherish them.

  8. I could go for some of Mom's custard right about now. I have very vivid memories of her serving the custard in those bowls. I think she enjoyed the act of serving the bowls full of warm goodness just about as much as I enjoyed making it disappear. Missing her always.

  9. I love custard pie but never make it. My mom made it some and my grandma made it often, theirs was topped with nutmeg.
    Your custard cups are very pretty, I think I remember my grandma having the same cups but I don't think she ever did the custard in them. Now I am wondering what she used hers for? hmmmm

  10. I have some recipes written in my Nana's hand. They are so special. Treasure your Mom's recipes.

    Thanks so much for bringing your post to Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  11. Hi, coming over from The Tablescaper, What a treasure you have, I esp. love your moms custard cups. Thanks for sharing

  12. I love home-made custard so thank you for posting the recipe!

    I too have a collection of recipes that belonged to my father's mother. I really need to look through them again!

    Thanks so much for linking up to my weekly Pinterest party-I'm so happy you joined in!

    Best wishes for a great week,
    Natasha @ 5 Minutes Just for Me

  13. Hi, Carol. Since you found the custard recipe on Pinterest, rather than it being your mom, you might want to know about this one too:

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. ~Zuni
