Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Cup of Joe, Java, Coffee . . .

Keep calm and make coffee

When I was a kid I hated the smell of coffee brewing in the morning.  Back in those days coffee was made on the stove top or in an electric percolator.

It always smelled like something was burning & it made me sick to my stomach.   In fact, it made me so sick I could never eat breakfast before going to school.  Mother would give me a nickel to buy chocolate milk at school & I would drink it during morning recess.

Fast forward to 1974, my final semester of college.
I was student teaching & carrying 21 hours.
This is when I started drinking coffee in the faculty lounge.  
I did not like the taste of black coffee, but I did like it with a little milk & sugar.
The cafeteria sent over a large pan of buttery, cinnamon toast every morning.
I was hooked on the great combination of caffeine & carbs!

Christmas 2009 Hubby & I bought a new coffee maker as a gift to each other.

I love my Keurig!

Fresh coffee in seconds.

I usually have 2 cups every morning, sometimes 3.
I still add a splash of milk and my sweetener of choice, Splenda.

K-cups in an apothecary.

We also make hot chocolate in our Keurig.

Dark chocolate or cafe mocha are the choices . . .

stored in my Mother's cookie jar.

Are you a coffee drinker, or do you prefer hot tea?

I'm linking with . . .
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Table Top Tuesday
Time Travel Thursday


  1. Coffee! I like hot tea, but I live for my coffee. I liked it with cream and sugar, but when I discovered creamer alone, I knew I'd found heaven!
    #1 son and DIL bought a coffee maker like yours this year and love it. I hear a lot of writers keep them in their office so it's handy.
    I might have to check it out.

  2. I love the smell of coffee and we love our Keurig (Warren's birthday gift from all of us). I run hot water through it for tea and drink a lot more of it that way.

  3. Coffee is like water for me---cannot live without it!!! I switched to half-caff a few years ago. I still get some caffeine but can drink many cups---and I do!
    I love tea, too, and drink mostly green tea now. And tea is for the evening---never in the morning. I had a Corningware coffee pot just like your firt picture except it was electric, not stove top. My uncle has a Keurig, like yours. I had a cup and it makes wonderful coffee by the cup. And I love your mom's candy jar for storage. A cute story, Carol. I'm so glad you got over that sick feeling. Many time we never recover from those childhood tastes and smells. Enjoy your java:)

  4. Coffee, Carol, coffee! Love my hot tea but rich, dark coffee is my drink of choice - I never touch sodas. Sometimes I add milk or cream and sugar and call it Fancy Coffee. I use a Bunn coffee maker! :)

  5. What a great post ~ loved your story. I'm a tea lover (I make it by the pot, not in a cup, and black tea, not herbal), but also enjoy a cup of good coffee. Cheers!

  6. My in-laws have Keurig and they love it too! I am not a coffee drinker but my hubby is. He usually only has one cup in the morning.

  7. I haven't made it to the coffee camp yet! But you do know my love for tea! ;)

  8. I, too, learned to drink coffee in the faculty lounge, circa 1972. LOL Teaching will do that to a person. Right now we are hooked on Dunkin Donuts Pumpkin Spice coffee. It's expensive, but I don't mind it when it comes to my coffee.

  9. Love love love this coffee post
    So cute the way you told your story!

  10. Hi Carol! That is a great looking coffee maker and I remember those percolator coffee pots! Now I have never liked coffee although I think it smells good! ;0 just give me a cup of hot tea of my Diet Dr. Pepper! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  11. I love my coffee in the morning and sometimes a cup in the afternoon.
    Brian and Michele got each other a Keurig for Christmas. I think I might like to try one also. We have used a Bunn for years because we enjoy the quick coffee.
    I love your blog site. You must have put a lot of time in designing it.
    Have a great day!

  12. coffee..I love the smell and the taste!
    I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can!

  13. Brian and Michele bought each other a Keurig for Christmas and love it. I think we would love to try one due to the diversity of the use of it. I had wondered if the taste from one brand lingered in the next cup brewed?? I believe I would drink more hot tea and always have hot chocolate for Natalie when she is here.
