Friday, December 30, 2011

Deconstructing Christmas Bling . . .

Packing away Christmas!
I dread it every year!

After I ate lunch I got a spark of inspiration to take down the little tree in my kitchen window.

It's inside the black trash bag.
 The stockings have been on the bar stool since Christmas night.

I need to put the scalloped dishes back in the closet.

As you can see I haven't done much!

Sunshine is streaming in the kitchen window.
I feel sleepy.  I think it's time for a power nap.  Maybe I'll get another spurt of energy later.
Probably not . . . I'll let you know.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Favorites From 2011 . . .

2011 is winding down.  It seems like the older I get the faster the calendar changes.
Today I'm featuring some of my favorite projects from this year.

In February with the help of  my sister & brother-in-law we did away with the ugly wallpaper in the master bathroom.



We also transformed the guest bathroom.



My sisters visited in August & we restored some treasures.

my little rocker. . . 

an 8 drawer chest that used to be an ugly red . . . 

In September I got busy & warmed up my antique glue gun to make a paper wreath

I have plans to do more projects in 2012.
One thing I want to do is sew some ideas I've seen on Pinterest. 

Onesie Dress Tutorial...Love this!
clothes for Emma . . .

Flower Headbands - you could do this!
and some hair bling . . . 

Also appliqued shirts for both grandkids . . .

For thanksgiving

Girls can wear footballs too:)

I'm linking with . . .

A Creative Princess for It's a Party 
Kristen for Share Your Creations 
Katie for 2011 Year in Review 
The Brambleberry Cottage for Time Travel Thursday 
Katherine for Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop 
Sherry for Home Sweet Home
Courtney for Feathered Nest Friday 
Kate for Flaunt It Friday 

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

36 Years . . .

Once upon a time, on a cold & snowy Saturday night, a guy & a girl exchanged wedding vows.

Through the years we have enjoyed good times & faced challenges.  With God's help we have made it to this milestone. We're still in love & still trusting God to guide us.
Happy Anniversary, Bob!
I love you!  

Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas 2011 . . .

Christmas day was beautiful & sunny!
Of course, Christmas is always great when you have sweet faces like these to see!

Ethan & Papaw . . .

 Emma . . .

Santa was very good to us this year!

The stockings were stuffed with lots of goodies . . .

and we had lots of gifts to open.

 The first gift Ethan opened was a new shirt and pants.
He immediately wanted to know where the toys were!
So funny!

The next package he opened was a toy.

The smile says it all!
He loved his new race car track.

Emma was intrigued with Christmas tree lights.
She would roll & roll until she was under the tree.

This is Emma's gift.  Ethan liked it a lot!  I'm sure he'll show her how it works! Ha!

We enjoyed a delicious steak dinner at the Christmas table.

At the end of the fun filled day Emma was tuckered out and found a comfy place on Papaw's lap to fall asleep.

Right before the kids went home I was waving bye-bye to Emma & she started waving back.
This was the first time she tried waving.
 What a nice Christmas gift for me!  

Wishing you a restful day after Christmas . . .

Linking with . . .
Marty for Table Top Tuesday 

No Minimalist Here for Open House Party

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas Blessings . . .

And so, this Christmas season
may our hearts with gladness glow,
As we read the blessed story
That took place so long ago.
Alpha L. Buntain
"The First Christmas"

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Christmas Past . . .

Yesterday I received a handmade Christmas card from my sister, Susan.  She has always had a talent for creating greeting cards even when she was a kid.

 Here we are all dressed up for Christmas 1961.
Mary, age 5, proudly displaying her new Bible, baby Susan, 2 months old, me, age 9, wearing pearls and sporting a very curly permed hairdo.

 Inside of the card . . .

Yes, that's me with another perm showing off my new Barbie game.  Mary, hair in pink sponge rollers, and  toddler, Susan, trying to grow a head of hair.

Precious memories of Christmases past . . .
dolls, transistor radio, board games, cedar Christmas trees from a country pasture, candy and red velvet cake from Grandma Ruby's kitchen, doll clothes made by Grandma Minnie, church programs about the baby in the manger, Christmas caroling in the cold, crunchy snow, the warmth and security of a loving home . . .

Thank you Susan for stirring up wonderful Christmas memories.

I'm linking with . . .
Tablescaper for Seasonal Sunday 

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Kitchen Cupboard Christmas Bling . . .

My gift wrapping will be finished today. 
 I've done a few packages each day.  

I almost forgot to show my kitchen cupboards decked with Christmas bling.   

the theme is snowmen . . .

vintage looking skiers . . .

the lights really look nice at night . . .

that's me in the picture at about 3 years old
 rolling pie crust for pumpkin pie . . .

I just love the chippy look of this old cupboard . . .

my son hamming it up for a Christmas long ago . . .

snow angel singing "Let it Snow" . . .

Santa napkins made by my sister, Susan . . .

Hoosier cupboard . . .

welcome winter snowman . . .

Susan gave me this cute plate with the words to Winter Wonderland when she was visiting for Thanksgiving.  Last year she gave me the tea towel. You might notice it says 'the Inuit way' instead of  'the Eskimo way'.
FYI, the song was first published in 1934.

Are you almost ready for Sunday?

I'm linking with . . .
It's A Party at A Creative Princess
Delightfully Inspiring Thursday
Share Your Creations 
No Minimalist Here for Open House Party 
Sherry for Home Sweet Home 
Debra for Vintage Inspiration Friday
At The Picket Fence for Inspiration Friday
Courtney for Feathered Nest Friday 
Potpourri Friday 
Kate for Flaunt It Friday 
Pamela for Treasure Hunt Thursday

Monday, December 19, 2011

Busy, Busy Weekend . . .

We had a busy weekend starting Friday night when the kids came over for 'Christmas movie night'.
We brought home some yummy food from . . .

We decided to watch . . .
It was just as funny as the first time we saw it in the theater.

Click on the picture to see a funny scene when Mrs. Krank was attempting to buy the last 
hickory honey ham at the grocery store.  

Saturday morning I got my hair cut & styled.
This is the picture I showed the girl that was cutting my hair.
I jokingly told her I wanted to look this young.
I know, HA HA HA!
She did a good job.  

Definitely an improvement.
My last haircut was in July & I was getting very shaggy.
You don't think I look like the young girl in my example picture?

Next, hubby and I went to Lowe's to do a little shopping.
Can't tell you what we bought because it's a surprise.
Later in the day we went to K-Mart to do a little more shopping.  BIG mistake!  I was reminded why I like shopping on line!  I'm still expecting a few more packages to arrive at my door.

We did a little stocking stuffer shopping at Walgreen Sunday afternoon.
Sunday evening we enjoyed a wonderful time of food and fellowship with some of Hubby's past and present co-workers.  I forgot to take my camera so I don't have any pictures to share.

I had great intentions on Friday to start wrapping gifts, but my plans failed.

I have all my supplies gathered by the kitchen table. 
Note to self . . .
"Put your Santa hat on & get busy!"