Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas 2011 . . .

Christmas day was beautiful & sunny!
Of course, Christmas is always great when you have sweet faces like these to see!

Ethan & Papaw . . .

 Emma . . .

Santa was very good to us this year!

The stockings were stuffed with lots of goodies . . .

and we had lots of gifts to open.

 The first gift Ethan opened was a new shirt and pants.
He immediately wanted to know where the toys were!
So funny!

The next package he opened was a toy.

The smile says it all!
He loved his new race car track.

Emma was intrigued with Christmas tree lights.
She would roll & roll until she was under the tree.

This is Emma's gift.  Ethan liked it a lot!  I'm sure he'll show her how it works! Ha!

We enjoyed a delicious steak dinner at the Christmas table.

At the end of the fun filled day Emma was tuckered out and found a comfy place on Papaw's lap to fall asleep.

Right before the kids went home I was waving bye-bye to Emma & she started waving back.
This was the first time she tried waving.
 What a nice Christmas gift for me!  

Wishing you a restful day after Christmas . . .

Linking with . . .
Marty for Table Top Tuesday 

No Minimalist Here for Open House Party


  1. What a beautiful Christmas! I can imagine Davey would have had the same reaction to clothes. :) That's cute! Rolling toward the lights is just precious too! What a fun day.

  2. The Children are delightful,so glad you had a wonderful day.

  3. Wonderful pictures of the family and fun. The kids are so much fun---they keep us young! Sounds about as good a day as you could ever wish for, Carol.

  4. Wonderful pictures of the family and fun. The kids are so much fun---they keep us young! Sounds about as good a day as you could ever wish for, Carol.

  5. Oh dear, I'm on my son's APPLE and not used to it. sorry:((

  6. Love all the pictures. Everybody must have been on the nice list. Ethan looks so grown up on Bob's lap. Emma is at such a fun age... on the move. Cherish your new memories.

  7. How wonderful to have Emma wave at you. The best Christmas present ever!!

    Have a beautiful week!

  8. Looks like a wonderful Christmas Carol. The grands are precious, and I love that picture of little Emma sleeping in Papaw's lap. How fun that you got to see her first wave! laurie

  9. Wonderful photos! Your grandkids are adorable! And your home looks lovely too.
    Happy Holidays!

  10. What a great unexpected Christmas gift that sweet little girl gave you!

  11. Your Christmas looked wonderful. It is so fun to watch little ones opening gifts:) Your grandbabies are just adorable. I remember the joy in my heart when Mary started waving.

  12. Oh what a great Christmas with the children, they are just so precious. Yes, the wave is a super gift. They look like they are having such a great time. Thanks for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty
