Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Kitchen Cupboard Christmas Bling . . .

My gift wrapping will be finished today. 
 I've done a few packages each day.  

I almost forgot to show my kitchen cupboards decked with Christmas bling.   

the theme is snowmen . . .

vintage looking skiers . . .

the lights really look nice at night . . .

that's me in the picture at about 3 years old
 rolling pie crust for pumpkin pie . . .

I just love the chippy look of this old cupboard . . .

my son hamming it up for a Christmas long ago . . .

snow angel singing "Let it Snow" . . .

Santa napkins made by my sister, Susan . . .

Hoosier cupboard . . .

welcome winter snowman . . .

Susan gave me this cute plate with the words to Winter Wonderland when she was visiting for Thanksgiving.  Last year she gave me the tea towel. You might notice it says 'the Inuit way' instead of  'the Eskimo way'.
FYI, the song was first published in 1934.

Are you almost ready for Sunday?

I'm linking with . . .
It's A Party at A Creative Princess
Delightfully Inspiring Thursday
Share Your Creations 
No Minimalist Here for Open House Party 
Sherry for Home Sweet Home 
Debra for Vintage Inspiration Friday
At The Picket Fence for Inspiration Friday
Courtney for Feathered Nest Friday 
Potpourri Friday 
Kate for Flaunt It Friday 
Pamela for Treasure Hunt Thursday


  1. You are ahead of me on the wrapping. I still have a couple of projects before I can start wrapping:)

  2. Love all your pretty decor -- I love the "chippy" look of the cupboard too! Looks country and primitive - which I LOVE!

  3. Each snowman has their own personality, just like the rest of us. I see the plate has found a nice stage. You know I can't resist a good cloth napkin. Every corner of your home has just the right dose of fun.

  4. Everything looks just beautiful, Carol. :) We've decorated lightly this year because we just haven't had much time.

  5. So glad you got the wrapping done,Carol.and I love your cupboard decorated for Christmas.

  6. CHRISTmas Blessings from my mountain top to your home…May it be the best one ever..Hugs and Love Gloria.

  7. Love that pic of you making pie---how precious! You are more than ready for the big day. Christmas blessings to you and yours!

  8. Everything is so festive and cute. I love it.

  9. oh, I love your cupboard filled with such Christmas fun!! thanks so much for sharing it at VIF! Merry Christmas!! xo

  10. Every shelf looks decked out in Merry Christmas - love the little Longaberger mistletoe basket!

  11. Your home is so pretty and festive!

    Thank you for sharing at Potpourri Friday! Have a very Merry Christmas and wonderful Holiday Season!

  12. I just got my wrapping done today! it felt like such an accomplishment. Thank you for joining me at Home Sweet Home! Have a very Merry Christmas!
