Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Tasty Temptations . . .

I have found many great recipes on Pinterest.  
I decided to make a couple of the finger foods
 for a jewelry party Kari hosted at our house Saturday night.

Sweet and Salty Treat

You can find the recipe here.

I used plain Hershey Kisses.
This is the ultimate temptation for me, a diabetic, 
to unwrap these little sweet nuggets without 
devouring every other one.

Confession #1 . . . I did eat one!  

Almost ready to go in the oven.

The treats were a hit!
Confession #2 . . . I ate one!
I sent the leftovers home with Kari.

Caramel Cheesecake Apple Dip

You can find the recipe here  
Instead of soaking the apples slices in lemon juice
I soaked them in diet Sprite for about 15 minutes,
Another tip I found on Pinterest.

Half was consumed by the quests, they loved it!
Confession #3 . . . I dipped a couple of slices in the creamy goodness!
Yep, you guessed it . . .
I sent the leftovers home with Kari.

Couldn't end this post without showing this picture of Ethan.

He absolutely loves football!
When I found this football hat at Target I knew I had
to buy it for him.  
He watched the OSU/Texas A&M game upstairs with 
the guys while the jewelry party was in progress.

I'm linking to. . .
Flaunt it Friday
Amaze Me Monday 
Savvy Seasons
Inspiration Friday


  1. Great recipes and tips, Carol! Ethan is so cute and is getting so big! I remember when I first started blogging and he was about to be born! Happy week!...hugs...Debbie

  2. The candy corn treats looked so yummy! Mary would love those as candy corn is her favorite candy.

  3. Thanks for stopping by and becoming a follower. You make my day better and I appreciate it very much. Cute grandson. I want one!

  4. All sound delicious. Will try the first one with my grandchildren. Thanks.

  5. I love Pinterest but haven't seen either one of those recipes. The candy corn/pretzel treat is darling and the tip about Sprite is great to know. Thanks for sharing!

  6. HI Carol! Oh, that little guy is adorable!
    Now the treats look wonderful! I've found a few recipes too on Pinterest! Yummy~
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  7. Those treats look amazing---something new and creative. Makes me want to give a party. Ethan is getting off to a good start----nothing like college football. Love the hat!

  8. The food looks delicious - my husband is diabetic also and so I try not to tempt him but I LOVE Hershey's kisses!
    Ethan is such a cutie - the hat is very unique and he has to love it!

  9. Ethan is so cute, Carol... and the candy corn treats looks so delicious, and I have to say thumbs up for only eating one. I would love to have that kind of discipline. I have such a weakness for sweets, and I also have to watch my intake. I am borderline.


  10. I've made the pretzel Turtles before but this with candy corn is so cute for this time of year.

  11. I love these fun little tasty treats. Thanks for sharing.

  12. These look wonderful!

    Cute kiddo!

    Thanks so much for stopping by the Back Porch.

  13. Hi Carol!
    I love your blog and all the fall decorations you're setting up.
    I'm joining as a follower! :)


  14. Oh my these look tasty. Anything with candy corn and I'm hooked. I wonder if there's a candy cane kiss version? (wheels turning). Stopping by from Chic on a Shoestring and pinning this guy on my recipe board.

  15. The treats look yummy! I've made the pretzel snacks using M&Ms on top -- very good! I'm definitely trying the candy corn. Your little guy is adorable. I'm your newest follower & also following on Pinterest.
    :) CAS

  16. I saw these on pinterest too. The pretzel goodies look so tasty.

  17. I just love your great ideas and tips. Thanks so much for sharing the links too!

    I have posted about a few of my favourite Christmas pins on my blog so if you have 5 Minutes to spare please pop by! I would be honoured if you could also link up your post to my weekly Pinning and Singing Pinterest Linky Party as this post is just fabulous! I have also created a Pinning Bloggers Master List at my blog that you might be interested in joining.

    Best wishes and happy pinning!
    Natasha @ 5 Minutes Just for Me
