Monday, September 26, 2011

Random Monday Memories #21 . . .

Here we are, it's Monday again, time for me to share some memories.
Today's memory is about an historical place here in Oklahoma.  During the many years I taught 4th grade, our students were able to take a field trip to Perry, Oklahoma where they spent a day in a one-room school.  I always enjoyed sitting in the back of the room watching the students react to the schoolmarm and all the activities in the '1910' classroom.  Priceless memories.

Photograph of Rose Hill School

Rose Hill School

On the museum grounds stands Rose Hill School, a one-room country school built northeast of Perry in 1895. In schools like this one, students received their education from the first through the eighth grade. 

Rose Hill was moved to the grounds of the Cherokee Strip Museum in 1971. The school contains most of its original furnishings, including a cast-iron stove and wooden two-seater desks.

Photgraph of Interior of Rose Hill School

A Day at Rose Hill School

Rose Hill School is not only an exhibit of a traditional one-room schoolhouse from Oklahoma's early days, but also a place where children can learn what education was like when their great-grandparents went to school. Now, fourth grade students from all over the state come to Rose Hill School for an enlightening and educational experience of what life was like for young people who lived in 1910.

Dressed in period clothing and carrying makeshift syrup buckets containing their lunch, students participate in the living history program, "A Day at Rose Hill School." They pretend to travel back in time to become scholars attending one of Oklahoma's early one-room schools. Greeted at the door by a stern-looking school marm, the students file into the classroom and take their seats. During the day, the scholars have exercises in cursive writing, cyphering (arithmetic) with slateboards and chalk, and reading from McGuffey's readers. Scholars also study history, geography, do chores, and play games.

Wishing you a great start to a new week . . .


  1. Those were the days, I am sure. Can't imagine all those ages in the same little room trying to learn. very cool part of history.

  2. Hi Carol! what a darling blog you have here! I love that adorable one room school fun would it be to go back in time and experience a day there back in 1910! Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog! Just wanted to wish you Happy Fall!
    Aunt Ruthie
    Sugar Pie Farmhouse

  3. What a fun and educational trip for children especially. I always loved the tv series "Christy" and this reminds me of her one room school!

  4. My sister went to a two room country school about fifty years ago when she was in fourth grade. It was called Prairie Mound School near Lawton. First through third in one room and fourth through sixth in another. The following year my parents had her riding the bus into town for the remainder of her school years. They didn't feel like she was getting what she needed at the country school.

  5. What a fun place to go. My mom went to a one room school house for her first year in school and she shares many fun memories in that classroom:)

  6. Oh what fun that would be! I think I'd love to have the opportunity to have that experience!
    Hope you have a great week :)

  7. What a great field trip. A good lesson for the children, and probably quite an eye opener!
