Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Royal Wedding Anticipation . . .

Yes, it's true . . .
I have 'Royal Wedding' fever!
I plan on watching all the festivities live
 early Friday morning.
I remember watching Charles & Diana's
wedding 30 years ago while I
was feeding my newborn son.

Here's something fun to do before the big event.
I saw this on Facebook. 
In honor of the big wedding on Friday, use your royal wedding guest name. Start with either Lord or Lady. Your first name is one of your grandparents' names. Your surname is the name of your first pet, double-barreled with the name of the street you grew up on.
My royal name is . . .
Lady Ruby Snoopy Cherry

Hope you'll leave a comment revealing your royal name
and if you have plans for watching William & Kate
tie the knot.


  1. This is TOO FUNNY! I, and my sisters, all have the wedding fever (it's a woman thing). My alarm will be set for 4 A.M.
    Lady Elizabeth Thor Russell

  2. I have other plans for Friday, but I'm sure there will be plenty to see in "after the wedding" reports! So, Lady Kate Rowdy Wheatley won't be in attendance! :-) I hope you enjoy every minute!!

  3. Lady Lila "Bootsie" Claremore probably will sleep through the wedding, and enjoy the highlights later. Love the wedding name game (:

  4. I think I'll just set my DVR and go junkin. Royalty will have to wait, because the junkin Queen has business to attend to, LOL. My royal junkin name is Lady Manila Dexter Sunnybrook. Pleased to meet ya, Ma'am!

  5. That is just too funny! My name would be Lady Clara Blondie Winema.
