Monday, April 25, 2011

Random Monday Memories #13 . . .

Today's post isn't about memories from the past,
but making new memories.

Easter was a stormy, cool, and wet day. 
 The lightning & thunder started before daylight
and continued all day & night!

We started a new Easter tradition.
I baked a bunny cake. 
My grandma Ruby liked to make rabbit cakes for Easter.
I think she would be pleased that I'm carrying on her tradition.
It turned out okay and I learned a lot from this first attempt.
I couldn't find skinny black licorice so I used mini chocolate chips
for the whiskers.

Ethan liked the cake, but didn't like getting the icing on his hands.
It was so funny!


  1. Traditions...I love them!!

    Your cake is very adorable. It turned out very well.

  2. So glad that you had a wonderful Easter. How fun to carry on a tradition with your grands :)
    Hope your week is the best !

  3. The cake looked cute and I bet it was good! Traditions are good to keep going for our younger generation to know that sense of belonging and family. We're very dry in the OKC area, but I knew if Easter couldn't make it rain, nothing would! I've never known an Easter when it wasn't cool, cloudy, or rainy!

  4. My daughter made her grandson a bunny cake and that will be a good tradition.
    We went to Memphis and got away from the rain for a short time yesterday. It looks like we are in for it for more storms all week.

  5. We,too, started an Easter tradition this year. Not one I hope to continue. Because of the weather we had an Easter egg hunt in the house! I'm still finding them here and there.

  6. How special to carry on that special tradition. Your cake is darling and I'm sure it was delicious!

  7. Great job on the cake. Ethan looked like he wanted to get a big taste! great Job Nana!

  8. Cake looks great to me! Glad you had a nice Easter even in the rain!

  9. That is a really cute cake and little Ethan is a doll!

  10. Such a cute idea and so sweet you are carrying it on!! You did a fabulous job!!!

  11. Really nice job and a nice traditon to start for the grandkids. It sure looks big---wish I had some!
