Monday, March 21, 2011

Welcoming Spring . . .

It was a cold & snowy winter!

I'm so excited that Spring has finally arrived here in Oklahoma!

Seeing this Red bud bloom outside our yard
is always a welcome sight.
Last year on the 1st day of Spring this beauty
was covered with snow.
So glad that didn't happen this year!

I found these cute polka dot bowls at Target
a few weeks ago.
Only $2.50 each!
These colors inspire me to start doing a little
decorating for the new season.
Things on my to do list . . .

bring out all my little bunny buddies . . .
Mr. Bosley Reed will be the 1st one
to come out of hiding.

Create or buy a new wreath for the front door . . .

Maybe one like this . . .

or this . . .

I'll share pictures when the Spring touches are complete.

Enjoy your first full day of Spring!


  1. Happy Spring! Your redbud tree looks so pretty. We are having a lot of rain but our grass sure is green:)

  2. Oooh, I love the bowls and of course, Mr. Boswell Reed!
    Happy Spring!

  3. Oops! Bosley Reed! Didn't mean to rename the bunny!

  4. You lucky girl! Your tree is gorgeous!
    Love the polka dot bowls too.
    We have had some more snow here, and expecting snow tonight, but we know that Spring is slower to arrive in our Utah mountain valleys.
    Can't wait to see the gorgeous wreath you make or find for your front door.
    Have a happy day :)

  5. I have my new forsythia wreath just waiting to be hung, but still sort of wintery here. I love the bowls---they just shout SPRING! And welcome back Mr. Bosley Reed.
    Look forward to seeing more!

  6. Oh it does look like spring at your house. Aren't the redbuds beautiful this year?

  7. Both wreaths are very pretty. I love the color changes that spring brings! I saw pansies at Lowes yesterday, but I did not buy any. Maybe next week. To me looking outside and seeing potted pansies is a sure sing that spring it here.

  8. Yes, I need to get busy on a spring wreath as well! Cute bowls....I love polka dots!

  9. Love the spring decorations, Carol especially Mr Boswell Reed! looking forward to seeing when you have finished. I have got to get busy on my wreath, and my other decorations , and
    Thank you so much for praying for Will, and our Military.
