Sunday, March 20, 2011

Weekly Words To Live By #42 . . .

A moment's insight is sometimes
worth a life's experience.
~Oliver Wendell Holmes~


  1. I clicked to enlarge the picture so I could read it. That is a wonderful verse, and many times I use that very verse in deciding if I should watch a particular televison show or something else that may not seem all that terrible, but really is not honoring our God. Thanks, Carol.

  2. I look forward to your weekly words to live by posts. I wish I would of seen the moon last night. I only found out about it today.

  3. I agree with Cindy. I'm much more aware of what I watch or read anymore than when I was younger. Wonderful words.

  4. So true.
    I pray for inspiration every day to help me become a better person.
    Hope you have a wonderful Sunday .

  5. Some words to think about.
    Can you believe it is in the 80's.
    Happy Spring!
