Sunday, December 5, 2010

Weekly Words To Live By #28 . . .

I will sing to the Lord,
because he has dealt
bountifully with me.
Psalm 13:6 NRSV

How long has it been since you've been
Christmas caroling?


  1. It has been years since I've gone caroling. What I miss most, though, was the tradition in the neighborhood we lived in when our children were younger. The teenagers would take responsibility for the younger children and they would all go caroling together up and down our street. It was truly beautiful to hear their sweet voices and very nice to have them out of the house for a while, so that we could wrap packages, etc. Annie

  2. It's been a long time since we've gone Christmas caroling but it was always a joy when we did.

  3. About 2 years, I went when we lived in the village and it was so much fun.

  4. It has been a while since I last went Christmas caroling.
    What fun we used to have :)

  5. This is a verse that has a lot of impact for the Christian. Haven't gone caroling in years, but I play all the beautiful Christmas music sung by choirs---especially love the Robert Shaw Chorale.
