Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Slowly But Surely . . .

Decorating our house for Christmas has been a challenge!
I get pretty tuckered out after working an hour on
decking the halls, and have to rest a while before starting again.
My recovery is going well. The Dr. has reduced my insulin
and blood pressure medication significantly.

My hubby, son, and daughter~in~law have helped a lot.
Thanks guys for being such great helpers!
Come back soon to see a little mini tour of the Christmas bling!
Thanks for dropping by for a visit!


  1. Carol, I like your approach to holiday decorating, a little at a time gets it done! Take care of yourself and I look forward to the tour. Annie

  2. So happy you are feeling better, slowly and surely is good.

  3. Can't wait to see your Christmas bling.

  4. Hi Carol! Can't wait to see the final product! And how wonderful to have help! Happy week!...hugs...Debbie

  5. Hi Carol. Glad your recovery is coming along. Sounds like your decorating the right way - just a bit at a time. I'm doing the same thing! I've always pooped out easily! :)
    I know everything at your house is going to be beautiful.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  6. I've been decorating a little at a time too. Maybe by Christmas it will all be up.

    Glad to hear you are making progress with your recovery.

  7. I started very early this year as I, too, find it tiring. I look forward to your tour.

  8. Carol,
    I'm happy for you that you are feeling better and that the Dr. is able to reduce some of your meds.
    So wonderful to have such a loving family to help you out and support you !!
    Keep taking it easy, and I hope the rest of your week is terrific!!

  9. I will be back to see all your decorating! I am glad to hear you are feeling better. It must be nice to have such great helpers and I am sure the little guy is a big help!

  10. So good to hear that you are doing better. I look forward to seeing your decorations!
