Sunday, April 18, 2010

Weekly Words To Live By #4 . . .

Ask, and it shall be given you;
seek, and ye shall find;

knock, and it shall be opened unto you.
Matthew 7:7


  1. dear carol,
    beautiful scripture and i love the photograph.
    i would love to open my door and see that beautiful basket. i love the textures of the picture. it makes me want to go inside...i love pictures of doors and i love you added scripture.
    hugs and blessings
    simply debbie

  2. oh my carol,
    i just saw the header to your blog...that is so very gorgeous....i would love to have that for simply debbie. i love trees and your header is breathtaking.
    hugs and blessings
    simply debbie

  3. Good Morning Carol!
    I have always loved this scripture.
    It gives comfort and reassurance to me.
    Thanks you for your well wishes on our anniversary also. You are so kind and thoughtful!
    Have a wonderful day!!

  4. I saw another beautiful photo with this verse the other evening at a Christian Bookstore. It had a young girl standing at a door like this one. Very touching. And an excellent post!

    Becky K.

  5. A beautiful photo to go along with beautiful words from the Bible. Perfect.

  6. Ancient words, ever true---and ever beautiful to those who believe! Thanks, Carol.

  7. One of my favorite verses ~ He's just waiting for us to ask and to seek.
    What a blessing!

  8. Beautiful, welcoming doorway.
    Love it!

  9. One of my favorite scriptures and so true. It's the premise for the movie "The Secret," which I think is hilarious. Just read your Bible. It's no secret!!!

