Friday, April 16, 2010

Friday Show & Tell . . .

I'm showing off some pictures of Ethan today.

He's crawling all over the place and likes
to go exploring.

He likes snooping in the draws
of the kitchen desk.

He's probably wondering why Nana & Papaw
have so many junk drawers.


  1. Precious. I hope I have a grandbaby YEARS AND YEARS from now. LOL

  2. Oh! I could just pinch those cute chubby cheeks! What fun to have him spend time with you.
    I love your grandparent names! We are not grandparent, nor do I think we will be for years and years. I do wonder what grandparent names our grands will use though ...hmmm.
    Have a terrific day and keep busy :)

  3. cute Ethan!
    our little Gavin likes our junk drawers too.
    Aren't grandsons sweet?

  4. Ethan is so sweet!! Cayden likes our kitchen cabinets. Sometimes Popi and Cayden hang out on the kitchen floor!

    Have fun with Ethan, Grandma!!! I know you are loving it like I am!!

  5. Ethan is getting so big!! What a cutie!!
    Don't these grands just warm your heart, Carol? I just love being a grammy!:)

    Great photos!!

    Have a great weekend:)

  6. Oh, that little Ethan is adorable! How cute. I'll bet you just want to look at him all the time! I know I would!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  7. So cute! He has really grown! It looks like he is enjoying his time at Nana's house.

    By the way, I am passing the Beautiful Blogger award to you!

    Hope your weekend is going well.

    Love you,

  8. Ethan is absolutely adorable.
    I'm so glad I got to meet him today in person.
    What a cutie & such a content little baby.
    I have the cutest picture of him just looking at Sherry while she was talking.
    We sure had a fun time with you and Kari.

  9. Little Ethan is a cutie!! Wish they'd stay little alot longer than what they do! They sure do seem to grow up soo fast!

    I wanted to say Thank you so much for visiting my blog and for leaving me such kind comments!


  10. Ethan is adorable! Thanks for sharing.

  11. Oh, how I love those chubby cheeks! What a cutie pie!
