Tuesday, April 20, 2010

PW Pancakes . . .

It's Tuesday which means it's time for
another Pioneer Woman recipe.
Edna Mae's
Sour Cream Pancakes
makes about a dozen 4-inch pancakes
Start out with 1 cup sour cream
7 tablespoons flour
1 tablespoon sugar
1 teaspoon baking soda
stir together gently
whisk 2 eggs in separate bowl
add 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
pour egg mixture into sour cream/flour mixture
stir gently until combined

After I finished mixing, my lovely assistant (Hubby) cooked the pancakes.

We didn't add any butter to the griddle as PW woman instructed.

The griddle is set at about 350 degrees.
Each pancake is 1/4 cup.

Flip pancakes over when you see lots of little holes.

Add butter & syrup.
Yummy in the tummy!!!
Try it you'll like it!!!

I'm not sure what recipe I'll try next.
Come back next Tuesday to find out!


  1. Sounds wonderful! I love pancakes for supper. :)

  2. Anything that starts with sour cream is a favorite of mine. Smiles.

    We had waffles for dinner the other night.

    Becky K.

  3. I've made PWs pancakes before and they are good.

  4. Those look delicious! Lexi LOVES pancakes!

  5. I love pancakes for breakfast lunch and dinner. I'll have to try this recipe.

  6. Good Morning Carol!
    I am glad that you liked the pancakes; we did too!
    I hope you're doing something fun today and I can't wait to see what you make next!

  7. YUM...prettiest pancakes I've ever seen! Thats cool that you are doing this...come say hi :D

  8. Wish I lived close by as I'd be right over for a short stack:)

  9. Yum! I love a good pancake drenched in butter and syrup. Your photos made me want to go fix myself one. Thanks for the recipe. laurie

  10. Yummy indeed! I love pancakes, especially when I take the time to actually make them, and not just pull them out of the freezer! So sad, I know. Grandma made the best pancakes because of the unique designs. She would have a whole zoo of animals by the time she was done!

