Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Fun Facts . . .

My niece, April,challenged me to list 7 fun facts about myself.
So here goes . . .
#1 Hallmark commercials make me cry.
#2 I'm hooked on Dancing With The Stars, American Idol and The Biggest Loser.
Oh, I almost forgot HGTV !
#3 I enjoy baking cookies & keeping the cookie jar full.
#4 I'm a certified night owl.
#5 I love making memories with my family.
#6 I love the old hymns I was raised on, the words have such a wonderful message.
#7 My favorite cake is red velvet.

Be sure to visit April and check out her blog!



  1. I love your list. My husband would whole heartedly agree with your feeling about hymns. Have a wonderful day!!

  2. What fun to get to know you a little better.

    I'll drop by for a visit with her blog.

  3. That was a fun post its always great to find out new things about each other!

  4. We have so much in common. I cry at Hallmark commercials too and I once cried at a McDonald's commercial during the Olympics. I LOVE DWTS and I've gotten hooked on this season's American Idol. Who are your favorites? I love baking my grandkids their favorite cookies and making memories with them. There's just nothing like the old hymns to bring peace to one's soul.

  5. Great to know a little more about our blogger friend.

  6. I say DITTO to all the too, except for the red velvet cake, make mine chocolate fudge....come say hi :D

  7. Your list just proves what a great gal you are! Anyone who loves baking cookies and keeping the cookie jar full, is tops in my book! :)
    Have a wonderful day!

  8. That could be my list, also, except I have never watched the Biggest Loser and coconut cake is probably my fav, tho I just love all cakes!
    I think Crystal is the one to beat on Idol, but I just love Casey! He seems so down to earth and his voice has that certain something. His looks don't hurt, either;)

  9. Making memories with the family. That's my favorite!

  10. Great list! Thanks for sharing and for the link!

    Love you,
    April :-)
