Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Rabbits Slowly Emerging . . .

The snow from our weekend storm has melted away.
It's finally time to deck the house with Easter goodies.

The first rabbit brave enough to emerge from his winter hiding place is Mr. Bosley Reed. Some of you who have been reading my blog for a while may remember him. He has been trying to coax the other cute rabbits & bunnies to come out and play with him. Hopefully they will all be in their special places by the end of the week. I'm predicting they'll be ready for 'Friday Show & Tell'.


  1. Don't you think a former librarian should have a reading rabbit? Did you purchase him in Oklahoma? He's adorable!

  2. He IS absolutely adorable! I hope he is able to coax your other rabbits out soon:) Too cute!

  3. He is a leader, you can tell. Those other bunnies will soon be out and following his lead.

    Becky K.

  4. I remember that adorable rabbit!!

  5. I love that he's reading a book!

  6. Hi Carol, thanks for leaving your comment, I hope you blog about your recipes with PW it will be fun to see who wants to join in with us :)
    Love your cute bunny.

  7. bosley's quite the handsome hare... what book is he reading?

    very sweet. yes, easter in less than 2 weeks? yikes, we still have snow!

  8. I LOVE that rabbit!! I bet he can coax the others out of hiding....lol

    Enjoy our beautiful day today.♥

  9. We had a few bunnies come out of hiding at our house. After this last weekend's snow, they may stay put a little longer next year.

  10. Its fun to see other folks, Easter decorations. I don't have a lot of Easter decorations, and so our house isn't too Eastery.(my own new word)

    Can't wait to see the rest.

  11. Hi Carol! Love that cute bunny! Spring does seem to be on the way at last! Happy week!...hugs...Debbie

  12. What a sweet little friend!

  13. What a cute bunny! I love Mr. Bosley Reed- full of personality and a smart guy too. laurie

  14. This long winter has made us want to keep the Christmas Tree up, let along dig out our spring bunnies and easter eggs! Ha
    Spring is for sure coming in like a Lion.

  15. Such a cute - and brave leader of the bunnies!:)
    I can't wait to meet all of his friends!

    Can't believe Easter is so close!! Thanks for the countdown, Carol! I've got to get with it.


  16. I always look forward to Friday Show & Tell!

  17. Gee, he is cute! I have a pretty large bunny collection but haven't seen one like that before. Lucky you.

  18. so hoppy to see Mr. Bosley Reed again! Can't wait for the Easter home tour.


  19. Mr Bosley Reed is ADORABLE...where did you get him? Many thanks for stopping over and leaving such a sweet comment.
