Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Chocolate Anyone ? ? ?

Too cute not to share . . .

You now have permission to start eating chocolate Easter bunnies!


  1. Great news! I went from Halloween candy to Christmas candy to Valentine's candy and onto Easter candy. I should last until I'm 150! Thanks for sharing.

  2. I'm with ya sista!!;) Love how you think!

    Happy Wednesday:)


  3. Now I don't have to feel guilty! LOL

  4. Oh I can't! I have lost weight and wouldn't want to stop!

  5. Yea for Chocolate!
    Chocolate and marshmallow, even better!
    Have a great day!

  6. Chocolate is one of my weaknesses for sure, especially dark chocolate. I just found DARK chocolate mini Reese cups at our new Walmart the other day. I've really had to limit myself to only 1, maybe 2 every day or so. And no need to worry - no one in my family likes dark chocolate except my son and he lives 3 1/2 hours away.

  7. Hi Carol! I agree with this, don't you? :) That's so cute.
    Thank you so much for popping in to see little Carter.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  8. Yummy! I have heard that a piece of dark chocolate daily is good for us. I love that!

  9. I forgot to add to my last comment...PLEASE share photos of your Longaberger in action! I am so surprised that with a million plus baskets sold each year that there is so little in blogland. I so yearn to see homes using these beautiful works of art.

  10. Love this theory! I'm making it mine! I also love that picture in your header. laurie

  11. I sure have been looking at the chocolate bunnies even picked one up, I put it back tho. I feel like poor pitiful pearl. Now that you say it is ok I will just get one next time and eat the ears first.
    Pitiful Pearl
