Friday, March 12, 2010

Friday Show & Tell . . .

Today I'm telling you about great
gingham creations from the 1960s.

During the 60s aprons like this one that
belonged to my Mother were very popular.

Another gingham craft was making pretty
pillows. My Grandma Ruby made many of
these beauties for herself & family members.

Here's a stylish apron I found on line.

Love it!


  1. Good Morning Carol! I love gingham too. It just says home to me.

  2. The pillows remind me so much of my childhood.

    The red and white gingham is so happy.

    Becky K.

  3. I love gingham!! It just seems so simple and cheerful to me!

    Enjoy your Friday.♥

  4. Hi there.
    I linked to your sweet blog from Darlene's, and I love it!
    Love the aprons. I wear an apron every day. I've been needing to make some new ones... I'd better get cracking!
    Hope the sun is beaming through your windows today. Have a great day!

  5. I use to make the chicken scratch on the gingham, that was fun to do !Brought back memories,my Grandma showed me how when I was a child !
    Have a good weekend

  6. Great post Carol! My grandmother wore an apron ( a full one much like the last red one). My sister and I each bought one that we spotted at an antique shop a few years ago. I think of Grandma each time I wear it.:)

    Thanks for the memories!
    Have a great weekend:)


  7. HI Carol! Oh, I love all your pretties! You know, I remember those fancy pillows! I never could figure out how they were all tufted up!
    Thanks for popping in the the prayers for my daughter.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  8. I remember those aprons like the one in the 1st photo and the pillows too. Thanks for a wonderful memory.

  9. Cute aprons, especially Grandma's! :-) I think gingham is so charming. Love it!

  10. I have a green gingham check apron almost like yours that I found at an antique/collectible shop a few years ago. It has some cross stitch trim. I love old aprons. They are quite the rage nowadays!

  11. I love gingham. I remember those pillows when I was a girl, and I still have my grandmother's old gingham apron.
