Saturday, March 13, 2010

Don't Forget . . .

I have a difficult time adjusting to moving the clock ahead one hour.

But, after a few days I'm enjoying the longer days of sunlight!

Spring begins one week from today!
Can't wait!


  1. Hi Carol,
    Can you believe it is springtime already. Guess with this awful winter we have had, it doesn't seem like it is time to turn the clocks back already.


  2. I wish we would "Spring" forward on a Friday night instead of a Saturday. We attend our early church service (traditional service) instead of the later contemporary service. I don't want to fall asleep during the sermon!

  3. Yay! I'm looking forward to spring too. I hope we remember to change our clocks. We forgot last year, so I will have to write a big note to remind us:)

  4. Glad you posted this I didn't think about it being time to turn the clocks back.

  5. If moving the clock forward an hour brings spring closer I am happy to do so!

  6. Thank you for the cute reminder button...I think my students will still be sleepy on Monday Morning!

    Happy Weekend ~Natalie

  7. Hello !

    Never mind spring forward I wish we could jump into summer..LOL!!
    Yes I do crafts right now I am working on a granny square afghan,keeps my fingers happy.
    Have a great weekend

  8. Hi Carol!
    I am humbled that you put my blog on your blog list, thank you.
    I too put your blog on my list. You have such a wonderful and happy blog!
    It's just what we all need!
    Frozen Coke was my breakfast of choice this morning. Not the healthiest, but certainly yummy:)
    We are getting inches of snow today. I saw your Spring countdown, and it made my heart smile. I can't wait either.
    Have a great weekend.

  9. oh!
    i am so glad i saw this post. i totally forgot about the time change!
    even though we loose an hour...i love this time change.
    and hurry up SPRING!!!

    saw your post about ina's kitchen. i am such a fan of hers. i love her style & love her kitchen & that new!

    happy weekend!
