Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Santa Cutie . . .

Last night we watched Ethan while
Mommy & Daddy did a little shopping.
While he took a nap we decorated
a new little tree I couldn't resist buying
for the kitchen. This is Ethan's tree.
He loved touching the ornaments.
Then he tried on his Santa suit.

Can you tell he likes his tree?

So sweet holding my 'Polar Express' Santa!

You're a Santa cutie, Ethan!


  1. SO sweet Master Santa!!!!! Too bad you aren't close because Ethan and Cayden could have their photo's taken together!!!!

  2. Awwwww he looks ADORABLE in his Santa suit! It definitely looks like he loves the tree and ornaments. It is so magical when you watch a baby during Christmas time.

    Hope you are staying warm. When I was coming home just now my truck said it is 27* out but the wind is roaring so the wind chill is probably in the low teens....BRRRRRR

  3. Ethan is truly adorable in his Santa outfit!! He is growing fast! I bet he's getting a lot of presents this christmas!!

  4. Ethan is so precious and he will have wonderful memories of time with you. ;)

  5. He is a Santa cutie Carol! I think he does like his new tree.

  6. Little Ethan is precious. What a cutie sitting by the tree touching the ornaments. Perfect for a Christmas card.

  7. What a little doll baby! You are blessed. Thanks for the reminder about "Polar Express" too. We're going to have to get that one out and watch it.

  8. Ethan is just adorable!! Love the new tree and the Polar Express Santa. I have the same Santa for Mary:)

  9. Oh my goodness!! I just love Ethan! He is too cute! Now he and Cayden both match with their Santa suits. Adorable. Love that he has his own little tree at your house!!!

  10. He looks so cute in his Santa suit! You are going to have a fun Christmas, that is for sure.

  11. I'm so behind on reading blogs and somehow missed this one. Oh my gosh....Ethan is adorable in that little Santa outfit. What a fun time you all will have at Christmas this year.
