Sunday, December 6, 2009

One Of My Favorites . . .

The lyrics to the beautiful song, 'Mary Did You Know?',
were written by Mark Lowry.
It is one of my favorite Christmas songs.
The first time I heard Mark singing the song
on a Gaither TV special it made me cry.
The message is so meaningful.

The story of the birth of Jesus is miraculous.
Thank you God for sending your only Son
to be the Savior of the world.

"And so it was, that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered. And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger;because there was no room for them in the inn." Luke 2:6-7


  1. That is one of my favorite songs too!

  2. Beautiful song. I love to hear the music of Christmas. Have a wonderful Sunday

  3. I too LOVE that song. It is on a couple of my Christmas CD's that I listen to. Just beautiful!

  4. Good Morning, Carol,
    My hubby sings this song in Church during the holiday season. It does have a powerful message, doesn't it?!

    Happy Holidays ~Natalie

  5. One of my favorite things about Christmas is the music.

  6. I adore this song. It has it in my top three! Well, maybe four! OK, possibly top ten! I have so many Christmas favorites! Came visiting you from Terri's blog! Happy Sunday!

  7. It is one of my favorites, too!

  8. This is one of my faves, too!
    Too bad Bob is all "Mary Did You Know-ed Out!" b/c of retail! haha

  9. Beautiful song, and a great reminder of the reason for the season.

  10. Mary Did You Know is one of my favorites as well! It is such a beautiful song!

  11. I just love that song too! It is one of my favorites.

  12. Carol, It is a beautiful song and nice to have someone remind us of the true meaning of Christmas. We get so caught up in the material things, we forget.


  13. That is a beautiful song Carol. I didn't know he was the one who wrote it.

  14. Hi Carol, This is a great song. I haven't heard it this year.

    How is Ethan enjoying the lights and decorations?
